Where has the time gone ?

Hello my Lovelies…

I would certainly understand if you had given up all hope of joining me for a catch up and a chat here at Shedquarters….it really has been too long, and I can only say how sorry I am for that.  I hope you have all been well, and if you have a few minutes, please grab that cuppa and pull up a comfy chair…..let’s dive right back in.


Last time we had a chance to sit down together like this, I believe it was Christmas.  Well, life got really busy shortly after that, and ‘stuff’ just got in the way.

If you remember just before Christmas last year, Twig our gorgeous Greyhound seemed to be making good strides in recovering from a major operation.  Things took a very sad turn, and over several weeks our wonderful girl deteriorated.  It is hard when you have something that becomes such a huge part of your family…to make the right decisions for them.  We all were trying to be brave with her and for her, but finally in February she gave me ‘the look’….it isn’t a tangible thing, and not something I can explain…but I knew that it was her time.  We had to let her go……let her be free.


She was the absolute best of us.  The kindest, funniest and most quirky of creatures…..and she will always be in our hearts.

So yes, that took its toll, and then time got eaten up shortly after that when I made the decision to go full time with my job in the NHS.  The girls are currently sitting their GCSE’s and A Levels, so they need my support in an entirely different way these days….so life at Fuzzpot Lane has been through ups and downs and twists and turns.

In the background though there is still craft.  Apart from family it is what anchors me.  It is undoubtedly what keeps me sane, though some might argue with that !  So I am still playing with sticks, hooks and pretty string.

Christmas was a period of sock knitting.  The random bags of toy stuffing and ‘bits’ were all tidied away and I had some yarn, my lovely yarn bowl and needles…..


I made a few pairs, which I really loved.  I just love the colours, the relatively quick fix of finishing a project ……… and actually enjoy using DPN’s.

I always tootle on back to crochet eventually and although I haven’t taken on a big blanket project for a while….well, not since this one……


I have been tempted!

It is however, funny little creatures that draw me back, and it started off with this little one…


I love giraffes….not sure why….but they are the most unlikely of animals really.  I remember visiting the giraffe house at the Cotswold Wildlife Park…..there is a balcony and you are right there….eye level with them and their massive tongues and silly faces.  I could have spent hours there just watching them!

Anyway, that was it….caught the ‘Amigurumi’ bug again.  It wasn’t long before I turned into Brittany Spears…..”oops I did it again”


This time it was all about the eye lashes 🙂

There are also those yarns that have those special colours that turn your head….my head was spinning!


Before I knew it…it was Easter…..and it’s not really Easter at Fuzzpot Lane without an Easter Bunny and a Spring Lamb.  So those were the next things to hop and skip off of the hook.

I have made an Easter Bunny using my own Merryweather and Earl crochet pattern for several years now, so I am almost creating my own crafting tradition…..


But I also love the softness and dare I say ‘squishiness’ of a little lamb.  No mention of mint sauce please….they do get a little twitchy!!


All together, things are back on track…..


I even managed to get a picture of the gang all together, before they found new homes.  So I was really off at the gallop again…..which brings me to my next project….


….a little horse.  This one was an experiment with the use of crochet flowers as decoration. The pictures, taken in the evening sunshine, don’t show her twinkly hooves and muzzle….but again it’s all about the colour.

So life still goes on.  I have managed to create 6 needle felted heads, and have been knitting some very cute dresses, for a new batch of Waldorf Inspired Suitcase dolls, which I hope all come together over the next few weeks….I do have one more giraffe to complete first.

I hope you are all well, have been enjoying  your own crafting journeys and been able to do the things you love too.  I will be back fairly soon, and will have more to share then.


Thank you for taking the time to pop by