A day in Shedquarters…

I love Thursdays….

Obviously I have the normal day to day stuff to do, but Thursday is the one day a week, that I can skip off to my Shed, and come rain or shine, enjoy a little of its magic.


On a good day, the doors can be flung open and the garden can become an extension of this little dwelling….on days like these, my constant companion ( who is not actually allowed inside the shed), sometimes sneaks a crafty snooze, just inside the door.


This is what makes this my ‘happy place’.

Today is about reviewing, a couple of unfinished projects, and now that we are officially into British Summer time, those crochet blankets aren’t going to do themselves.  This one is the one I have set my sets on finishing first….it has languished long enough, so in-between, doll making, I will be adding squares here and there.


To be honest, I keep seeing some beautiful crochet jackets made of Granny squares, and am very tempted to morph these patches of crochet joy into a cardigan of sorts, but I am a little unsure as the pale blue has a hint of sparkle…….hmmmm….might have to have another cuppa and think about that.

As I am a slightly more ‘ample’ build, “Rubenesque’  is how I’d prefer to be described……garments for myself seem like more of an undertaking than I would like them to be….but I am very tempted by this idea.


Into the notebook it goes…..

Today my worktable has other more pressing matters….getting some hair on these little waldorf inspired “Fuzzpotlings” and planning clothes….must dash 🙂


Have a super day


L xx

Mothering Sunday

It was Mother’s Day yesterday, and it really was a glorious day.  The weather was perfect and I enjoyed a lovely family day.


Some days a slow start and the soft repetition of crochet, can really be the best tonic. That, a nice cup of cappuccino and a smattering of sunshine…..and I am feeling epic!


Undoubtedly the countryside will soon be alive with the bleating of little spring lambs calling to their Mums. I have to admit, this is my favourite time of the year.  I remember a holiday up in Cumbria, where, due to the weather conditions, the smaller  lambs, had little raincoats on to protect them from the elements.

The little lambs in the picture above, were made using a pattern from Stip en Haak.  I really enjoyed making these Spring favourites.  I used a combination of King Cole Yarn….Cherished for the arms and legs ( it’s self striping, so is perfect for this), and the very soft King Cole Cuddles for the fuzzy body.  A little bit of standard double knit for the faces and “Voila”!  Crocheting in the King Cole Cuddles can be a little tricky, I will be honest, but once you are in the swing of it, it’s worth the effort.

And then things just get a little bit silly!!

Have a great day 🙂


Winter has officially ended across the northern hemisphere with the 20th March marking the first day of the new season. Officially known as the vernal equinox, the start of Spring is one of two equinoxes to happen each year. The second occurs in the Autumn, on the 22nd September 2017. Spring indicates a returning to warmer weather and a longer period of daylight in the northern hemisphere…..although the wind today has a little bit of a bite to it, I think……brisk one might say!

The onset of spring means that the daffodils are in full bloom, and the shops are selling egg shaped chocolate.  For me it’s all about the bunnies….I love rabbits.  I’m not sure why really, as my experience of them is all but limited to a terrifying few weeks of looking after a rabbit, that had apparently special forces training but was using their skills for evil!

Nonetheless, I love them. Their soft ears and beautiful twitching noses and whiskers, meant I just had to make some….


And so Merryweather & Earl the rabbits were born.  These cute rabbits are probably one of my most popular patterns now…..and I have to say, I am quite proud of them.


And when you like something…..you just have to make them in different colours 🙂


With ‘rabbits’ in mind……I will wish you a very ‘Hoppy Spring’ !!


A little bit of Shed time…

Today is going to be one of those days…..


One of those….haven’t a clue what to wear days!

The weather is gloomy, the news has been grim and it just feels like a bit of an uphill kind of a day.  That said, it is Thursday, and once my housework is been done, I can make my way down the garden path, to my little warm and snuggly Shed…..


The spotty windows, and the higgledy piggledy collections of brightly coloured ‘stuff’, never fail to lift the spirits and inspire me to create. The next little trio of ‘suitcase dolls’ are coming along nicely and will soon have their very own little bedroom with a window on their world….


So today, will be about crocheting the bodies, legs and arms….thinking about hair colour, and working through my sock yarn stash to see which of the beautiful hand dyed yarns to use for hand knitted frocks, hats and scarves.

It is a kind of ‘escapology’ !

Birdhouses, little frocks & mini skeins…

It’s been a funny sort of day really, the sun has been playing hide and seek, the hail stones have been punishing the daffodils , and the horror…I have run out of cappuccino pods for my coffee machine.

Now despite the low caffeine levels and the poor old droopy daffs, I have had a pretty good day.  Mr Postie came bearing gifts……


The caravan birdhouse was a little bit of a spur of the moment purchase from ‘DotcomGiftshop’ …..I saw it and actually fell in love with the colours, the curtains and its all round level of cuteness.  I am fairly sure that you will see it popping up in the background to a few photographs in the future. The little espresso cups fell into the shopping cart at the same time….they were in the sale, and will actually become little button pots in the Shed….again, it’s all about the colour!

And so we come to the yarn….the little bunch of mini skeins.  There are few things that I actually wait for, but when I hear that Hedgerow Yarns has an Etsy shop update pending, I can quite often be found on the sofa, clutching my mobile phone, poised to snaffle a treat.


I have plans for these little 20g mini skeins ….. I hope that they will grow into little hats and scarves for those little Waldorf inspired dolls (Fuzzpotlings), that I spend my time making these days.  The colours are stunning, and I am already, mentally writing lists, and pulling colours together for the next batch of dolls.


I can already see some happy couplings with the little frocks that are happily hanging on the rail.

Have a lovely day wherever you may be……






Well, I’ve been meaning to do this for quite a some time, but despite my best efforts have not quite got there.  But here I am….in the land of Blog!

Crafting, of one kind or another,  has been a part of my world for longer than I care to mention, but I can probably admit to the last 20 years as being mainly dedicated to knitting and crochet.  Being able to work at what I love really does lift the spirits on a daily basis, and being surrounded by colour, beautiful textures and patterns means that life is never really that boring here at Fuzzpot Lane.

I am fortunate to have a wonderful workspace in the garden, which I affectionately call ‘Shedquarters’.  This little magical shed, is fantastic in the spring and summer months, when the sunshine dances off of its crisp white walls…..but it I am happy to say it also has its charm in the autumn/winter too, with the heater on and the lamps lit its lovely snug and cosy.


Perhaps over time, we will get to know each other a little better,  but for now, I will say “Toodle Pip” and wish you a wonderful day.